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The Science Split?

With a landmark, 44-year-old agreement set to expire at the end of this month, the U.S. is facing one of its biggest China tests: Can...

Major Miner

A look at Zijin Mining, which made its name digging up gold, but is now hoping to catch up in the race to produce the...

Climate Changers

With climate diplomacy deadlocked, researchers and policy makers are grappling with extreme warming scenarios and sobering choices — including tinkering with the global climate. Despite...

China’s Under-Used Grid

A look at China’s electricity grid: how it works, who foots the bill, and how its structure leads to power crunches and expensive prices despite...

Climate Consensus

Increasingly, Democrats and Republicans believe that climate change and China pose a single interconnected challenge. As a result — and for the first time ever...

The Ocean Edge

With its plans for seabed mining and the "blue economy," China is implementing a strategy for the world's warming oceans. The U.S. is trying to...